For general questions, to submit work orders, or report community violations: Please log in to your CINC application on your phone or web browser to submit any of the above, or you may call Grant Property Management
Property Manager: Dave Clamente
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00AM – 3:00PM
Telephone Number: 561-940-0333
For requesting fobs, transponders, and recreation keys: Please log in to your CINC application to make a request*, or you may stop by the office during office hours shown below. *You will be contacted once setup has been completed and ready to be picked up.
To request an ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE, please contact:
Grant Property Management
851 Broken Sound Parkway Suite 102
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Where organizers and participants can get together to pursue shared interests!
Rosary Club – Call Barbara (561) 276-4415 – Group meets at 7 PM on Tuesday evening at Clubhouse for religious prayer.
190 Coral Trace Blvd,
Delray Beach, FL 33445
The Coral Trace community is incorporated as a Homeowners Association (HOA), which differs significantly from condominium or cooperative arrangements. The HOA is charged with overall management of our community and assets. It is run by an elected Board of Directors, composed of homeowners, and volunteer Committees. These Committees provide guidance to the Board related to common interests and areas: landscaping & architecture standards, pool, security, welcoming residents, social events, etc.
At Coral Trace, even our homes are shared structures; each building houses two or four villas with a common roof, connected at the garages. Guidelines from the HOA facilitate cooperation among neighbors sharing resources and common maintenance expenses.
The Board is made up of seven (7) elected Owners who volunteer their time and expertise to represent the community for a term of one (1) year unless reelected. These members vote on items before the Board and those items are acted upon. If there is not a majority to pass an item then it does not pass. According to our Documents, the Board runs the community, creates the budget, spends the money, collects delinquent accounts, and levies any needed assessments. This all can be done without any owners’ input, so when you vote for Directors, be sure that you are comfortable that the candidate will represent the best interest of the entire community.
There are also several Committees that implement various approved plans or programs on behalf of the community. Volunteers are always needed for these Committees. The Board listens to the Committees for input as to how to improve this community and what improvements need to be completed. Please contact the Chairperson of any Committee on which you are interested in serving.
Current Board Members and Committee Chairs are listed on the Contact page of our website.
The Board meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Clubhouse. These meetings are open to interested residents, and residents are given a question and answer period with the Board prior to the general business meeting.
The current Board approves almost every expense that is incurred by this Association. Not everything is voted on by even the Board; some responsibilities and duties are entrusted to individual Committees and Directors. The Board meets once a month, and sometimes maintenance items need to be taken care of before the Board meeting so as not to interrupt important community services. It takes about 60 days for a legal vote by the community Owners. Absentee ballots must be mailed out, and the cost is around $500 every time there is a vote. The HOA documents outline the procedures for the Board to follow in conducting votes, elections, and changing the HOA documents themselves.
Coral Trace Directors have performed due diligence to keep HOA dues as low as possible. Our Board watches the pennies, and we rely on volunteers to do a lot of the work. This benefits the entire community.
Coral Trace HOA hires a management company who run both the business and maintenance aspects of our community; the more resident involvement the lower our management fee will be. Our management company is currently Grant Property Management. Grant Property Management assigns one of their employees to be responsible for each community; our community’s property manager is Dave Clemente.
When a new homeowner arrives at Coral Trace, the Welcoming Committee meets with them to verify they have received their copy of HOA Documents, the Rules & Regulation Handbook, and to provide the appropriate guidance and information needed as a new resident of Coral Trace and Delray Beach.
The Handbook and Welcoming Forms are on this website on the Documents page, and several can be filled out online.
To be added to the official owner registry of the HOA, the management company must receive either a copy of the warranty deed or the HUD statement. This is normally provided by the closing company to Grant Property Management, but it has become a common problem that Grant Property Management never receives the warranty deed or HUD closing statement, and the new homeowner account becomes delinquent. Since the HOA does not know there is a new owner, all the correspondence goes to the old owners on file. Each new homeowner should contact Grant Property Management in writing to register as a Coral Trace resident and include one of the above documents.
Contact information for Grant Property Management:
Property Manager, Dave Clemente
Telephone number: 561-940-0333 (24 hrs.)
On-Site Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 7 am – 3 pm; may vary if manager is out on property or other community business.
Coral Trace Office Phone: (561) 330-8039
Grant Property Management sends out a coupon payment book for the quarterly maintenance dues payments, along with envelopes, for an annual period. If you use the coupons, there is a special bank address to send the coupon and payment to (use the address labels at the end of the book):
Coral Trace HOA Inc, c/o Grant Property Management
Quarterly maintenance payments are due on the 1st of the first month of each quarter: January, April, July, and October. Late fees of $25 are assessed starting on the 11th of the month and the account is sent to the attorney’s office for collection after the 15th of that month.
2024 Quarterly Dues are $972.
See different instructions below if you use an online bank payment process.
If you are using an online bill pay service to pay your maintenance fees, send the check made out to Coral Trace HOA directly to:
Grant Property Management, Inc.
ACCT # this is your 3-digit lot or gate number (001-282)
write this on your check
Please allow enough time when scheduling your online bill pay. Please note your payment may be mailed from a bank processing center and could take up to 10 days to be received so adjust your schedule accordingly.
Fees are due on the 1st of each quarter (Jan 1st, April 1st, July 1st and Oct. 1st). A $25 late fee is added if not received by the 11th of each month. After the 15th the account is set to the attorney for collection.
The HOA hires the management company to maintain all premises regularly. Work covered by the Coral Trace maintenance fees includes:
Original Builder-installed landscaping (trees and plants) for all areas of the community
Lawn mowing, tree trimming, outside pest control, fertilization, mulching and watering by common irrigation system for both common areas and individually-owned lots
Replacement of trees and plants if destroyed by natural causes
Maintenance of common areas, such as the Clubhouse, its contents, the Pool and Spa, and surroundings and electric for street lights
Provision and maintenance of a unmanned security gate and related equipment (e.g., gate remotes and cards)
Basic cable TV and internet from Hotwire, and alarm monitoring. The HOA pays for your home security whether you are registered or not.
Cleaning of waterways and removal of visiting alligators
You as the homeowner are responsible for all repairs of your home. You own the entire building, sidewalks, driveways, grass, plants and trees.
If you paint your home (must be repainted in the original color), the whole building must be painted, not just your villa. Please coordinate with your villa-mates.
If the roof needs cleaning, you must work with your neighbor so you both split the cost of the entire roof being cleaned, not just half. If the roof needs repair, it is a shared expense for owners of the whole building.
If the mailbox of an Angel Wing Unit is damaged (just the box), it would be the individual owner’s expense as just one box can be replaced; but if the pole is bad, then it is a shared expense, as it affects an item shared by both owners. The mailbox is a original design by a local company and is the only approved box for use. Their address and phone number is: The Mail Box Company, phone [954] 792-6245 or Fax [954]792-6830.
If an owner is notified by the HOA to clean or repair an item, and it is not done within a reasonable amount of time as covered in the HOA Documents, then the HOA can correct the item and bill the owner for the service + 10%.
As you know, 2004 was been an unprecedented year for hurricanes in Florida. The Board decided to wait for the City to remove the tree debris. The City picked-up one round of bagged debris from Hurricane Frances and then were told FEMA would not reimburse for hurricane pick-ups. The president of our HOA called our landscaping company to continue with the debris pick-up, straightening of trees from both hurricanes, and the removal of dead trees. The straightening and/or replacing of trees and plants was an additional cost to the HOA, and the owners all share in these expenses via their HOA dues.
With this experience under our belts, the Board has asked the Budget Committee to add a line item for Disaster Relief under Reserves for the annual budget. This will start a contingency fund and allow us to better respond to an emergency like this.
We’re glad you asked. We WANT you to participate!
There is a Florida law that states that members of a Homeowner Association do not have the right to speak on any matters at monthly Board Meetings without prior approval. Florida law requires that if an owner places a matter on the agenda by petition, members may speak on that matter for up to 3 minutes. Those who wish to speak must submit their request in writing before the board meeting. This applies to both the monthly Board Meetings and to the Annual Homeowners’ Meeting.
Our Coral Trace practice has been that the President has addressed questions and concerns from the floor early on during a monthly Board Meeting. It is preferable that you notify the President by email or in writing ahead of time if you have a matter to discuss. By email you can send a note to the President with your agenda item. As long as inquiries and matters are presented in a non-confrontational and professional manner, this practice will no doubt continue. If it becomes time-consuming or too difficult to manage the discussion during a meeting, the President will no doubt choose to require prior approval for meeting discussions so that they can be scheduled and dealt with appropriately.
So, bottom line, right now, it’s up to you: Formally request ahead of time to be sure you are heard, or go and take a chance that you can speak at a monthly meeting, if you prefer. For the Annual Meeting, the Board asks that you make your request in writing ahead of time, to the HOA President.
Here is the official statute:
The amended statute to which the article refers is section 720.303(2). The amended statute, which was effective October 1, 2004, provides that the members can petition to place something on the agenda, and the board can include a sign-up sheet for members wishing to speak. It’s an informal procedure that can be modified by rules adopted by the association, so long as those rules don’t take away the rights of members that the statute otherwise provides. The applicable portion of subsection (2) is copied below.
(2) Board Meetings
(a) A meeting of the board of directors of an association occurs whenever a quorum of the board gathers to conduct association business. All meetings of the board must be open to all members except for meetings between the board and its attorney with respect to proposed or pending litigation where the contents of the discussion would otherwise be governed by the attorney-client privilege.
(b) Members have the right to attend all meetings of the board and to speak on any matter placed on the agenda by petition of the voting interests for at least 3 minutes. The association may adopt written reasonable rules expanding the right of members to speak and governing the frequency, duration, and other manner of member statements, which rules must be consistent with this paragraph and may include a sign-up sheet for members wishing to speak. Notwithstanding any other law, the requirement that board meetings and committee meetings be open to the members is inapplicable to meetings between the board or a committee and the association’s attorney, with respect to meetings of the board held for the purpose of discussing personnel matters.
Contact the Property Manager.
If you have service people coming in during the weekdays while you are at work, you have 2 choices:
1) give them your key and buy a $50 key fob for them; or, put your cell phone # at the gate so whenever you are called you can always open the gate.
2) if from a licensed company, FAX a letter on their corporate letterhead requesting a code to HOA at 561-330-8089, and the Board will assign a specific gate code for their use. You still have to give them a key.
Note that service personnel are allowed to park in the street for only 2 hours. Tell them to park in your driveway – or they might be towed.
Replacement access devices are available in the clubhouse Office from our property manager. The fob and key cost $50 each, and the transponder $12. Make check out to Coral Trace HOA.
A resale or lease packet is obtained through the website, completed by the applicant or realtor and then forwarded to Grant PM for processing along with the check for the processing fee, $100. When Grant Property Management completes their portion the Board schedules the interview. The Association needs 30 days from start to finish.
All docs are to be sent to Grant PM, they make sure the folder is complete before sending it to the Board. The president or designee will make the appointment and do the face to face interview, and give them the Certificate of Approval needed for the closing and/or leasing of the property.
We can arrange for an interview date closer to the final closing/or rental move in, when the parties involved are not in this state. We do this only if all the necessary docs are in the hands of Grant PM, and the interview is just a formality.