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Above: 2017 Holidays.  Delray Police thanking Pompie and Snookie for organizing Coral Trace's Toys for Tots collection; volunteers prepare for and enjoy the holidays

Above: Coral Trace's First Triathlon - 28 May 2011 - thanks to Carrianne Williams for organizing it, and the Social Committee for providing refreshments and cheering for participants!


Thanks to Sissy for above photos from our Toys for Tots Party on December 12, 2009
Above Photos from our Toys for Tots Party on December 6, 2008
Alan and Mike carved it up Elsa and Toby
Brian with friend, Elsa, Linda, Ro Bonnie & John, and John & Linda
Freddie broiling the turkey Margaret, Jill and Joanne
Above Photos from Coral Trace Community Pig Roast on July 1, 2007
John, Doug, Leah, Eric Bonnie, Ro, Pat, Elliot, Doug, Shawn
Stan, Robyn, Gary Beatrice, Bill, Bob, Dorothy
Freddie and friend Shawn, Doug, Adrienne, friends
Ross, Lloyd, Dee Nancy with friend and parents
Geraldo and wife, Joyce and sister-in-law, Benders Freddi, Cecilia, friends
Brian, Bob Bonnie, Eileen, Ro, Pat
Above Photos from Italian Night, March 24, 2007 at the Clubhouse
 Coral Trace: The Early Years!  These photos from 2001 remind us how far we've come, and how beautiful our community is today!  Thanks to Deb for sending the photos.
4 Guys at the 19 Nov Breakfast: Eric, Bob, Gary & Fred Christel, Karin, Pat
Rosalie & Warren, Karl Deb, Carole, Alan, Barbara
Barbara welcomes two new residents Tina and Elliot
Dorothy, Howard, John and Ava Nancy and Sol, Dorothy, Joyce and Elsa
Geraldo and wife Bob and Eileen
Neal, Susan, group in kitchen Robert and Christel
Series above: The Community Breakfast on Sunday, 19 November 2006
The Oktoberfest food is ready! The "Swinging Bavarians" entertained us all evening.
Carole, Debbie Toby and Elsa
  Doug, Richie
Karin, Ross  
 52 Attended Oktoberfest 2006: Friday evening, October 20th
Our DJ Elliott 14K Gold Fred and Pompie "cut a rug."
Ruth made her "Poodle Skirt" and danced up a storm! Gary demonstrates how to play "Paddle Ball"
Gary with Eileen and Bob, Michael and Mary Dancing up a Storm: Pompie, Bonnie, Cecilia
Ruth, Elsa, Sissy and Barbara demonstrate the 70's line dances    Julita, Lenny and Doug enjoying the dinner
"Do-Wop Kids" Fred, John and Robyn Bonnie and Barbara smile for the camera
Photos from our Sock Hop, April 29th, 2006
Photos from our Mardi Gras Party, February 24th, 2006
Photos from our "Toys for Tots" Party, December 16, 2005.

Here are photos from our Community Breakfast, September 18, 2005.

Fishing for an Alligator - Don't feed the alligators!  Or, the ducks and pigeons in our lovely lakes, because the food attracts bigger animals.  After Hurricane Frances in Sept 2004, a 7.5' long baby alligator was sunbathing in front of our house, got caught!  Later was returned to a safe haven. Thanks to Christel Silver for providing these unique photos.

    Queen Palm trees at Coral Trace. Our first Garage Sale was held in April 2004.

   Spring Barbeque photo shoot!   Ladies Cruise in June 2004.

  Copyright © 2005-2018 Coral Trace HOA